Friday, December 4, 2015

Little Town Of Granbury, Texas Put On The Map

Granbury Texas is located about 35 miles S.W. from Fort Worth, Texas. The town itself is growing by leaps and bounds has been since it was put on the map. We lived there for 20 years and enjoyed every bit of it. Retiree's are loving it there, it is very popular town to retire to.

Granbury Texas offers Texas style hospitality with friendly Hi! How you doing? Glad you decided to visit our quaint little famous town.

There is a lake there that has it lows just like every lake in Texas does during the dry season, but this year has been the lowest I have ever seen the lake. There are many additions in Granbury where the lake is on the property there for people to enjoy. Big catfish have been caught in this lake in the past. New homes have been built on the lake over the years because of the huge lake and good fishing. Many a fishing tournament has been won with the big catch of the day.

It is believed the town got its name on the map when it was announced several years ago that Jesse James the outlaw is buried in the little cemetery the smallest State Park in Texas, along with the wife Elisabeth Crockett, Davy Crockett wife, and 2 children are buried there in this little State Park. Davy Crockett fought at the Alamo and died there.

Granbury Texas has the famous town square that attracts many visitors a year to visit all the shops, the Opera House, the eateries. and the famous ice cream parlor where on any given Saturday night you can pull up a chair with ice cream cone in hand, your foot keeping time with the music of a band and singer.

Every year the town has its yearly 4th of July festival art show and crafts. it is quite the celebration with cook offs, dances, and beer. That night one the largest fireworks shows in the state of Texas starts at dusk. People come from surrounding towns to see this event. Traffic is huge and you had better already have you spot picked out early to watch the fireworks or you won't get a spot.

Now the boaters have it right they just come across the lake and pull up and park on the lake and watch the fireworks.

Granbury was still one of the few who still had a Drive in Movie night on the weekend. Now that was the place people enjoyed a summer night. Pickups with chairs in the back for seating, people watching the movie and usually 2 movies back to back on Saturday night.
But that has been placed with the movie theater now.

Of course the town has the local wall-mart for shopping, Loews for building materials, plenty of grocery stores, specialty shops. there are plenty of eateries and employment to those who work. 

 We have often thought of retiring there in Gran-bury but at our age we just hate the thought selling our home, of packing, and unpacking and moving. We do visit quite often though.


  1. Granbury will always seem like home. Although it is not the sleepy little town it was when we first moved there. It is still a great place.

    1. It is I agree we must visit there again lots to explore there on the square. It is a fun place to.
